A - Ailbe (Alby) - After an Irish saint - Aichlinn (Aik-lin) - A derivative of Echlin - Ailill (Aye-lil) - After Ailill Molt, and early Irish king. Meaning sprite - Ailin (Aye-lin) - Early Irish name. Meaning noble - Aindreas (Andre-as) - After St. Andrew, the Patron Saint of Scotland. Meaning manly - Anmire (Ayen-mire) - After St. Ainmire of County DONEGAL. Meaning great lord - Alphonsus (Alfonsus) - After St. Alphonsus Liguori. Meaning noble ready. Also: Alf, Phonsie (Fon-si) - Ambros (Ambrose) - Meaning immortal - Anluan (Anloo-an) - Meaning great champion - Anrai (Awn-ree) - Irish form of Henry, used after Henry Joy McCracken, the Ulster Rebel. Also: Annraoi - Aodh (Ee) - An Irish name, Anglicised as Hugh. Also: Aodhaigh (Ay-ee) - Aodhan (Aye-den) - After St. Aiden. Meaning little fire - Aodhfionn (Ee-fin) - An early Irish name. Meaning white fire - Aodhgan (Ee-gan) - An Irish name. Meaning little fire - Aonghus (Ain-gus) - After St. Aengus the Culdee. Meaning one vigour - Aralt (Ar-alt) - The Irish form of Harold. Meaning army power - Ardal - An old Irish name meaning high valour - Aron (Ar-on) - Meaning high mountain B - Banbhan (Ban-van) - An early Irish name meaning little piglet. - Baothan (Baythan) - An early Irish name meaning little foolish one. - Beacan (Bee-can) - After St. Becan. Meaning little one. - Bearach (Barrah) - After St. Barry. Meaning spearlike. - Blathmac (Blah-mac) - After a king of Tara. Meaning flower son. - Bran - Name of a celtic Deity. Meaning raven. Also: Brandan. - Breasal (Bree-sal) - After St. Brazil. Meaning strife. Also: Bresal. - Brendan - After St. Brendan. Meaning prince. - Brian (Bree-an) - After King Brian Boru. C - Cadhla (Kad-la) - After an Archbishop of Tuam, Co Galway. Meaning handsome. - Caibre (Ka-bra) - Cairbe defeated Fionna at the Battle of Gabhra. Meaning: 'strong man'. - Caomhan (Kee-van) - After St. Kevin. Meaning: little handsome one. - Carthach (Kar-thage) - After St. Carthage. Meaning: loving. - Catabhar (Katabar) - A DONEGAL name. Meaning helmet. - Cathaeoir (Kahir) - An Irish name meaning warrior. Also: Cahir. - Cathal (Cah-hal) - Irish version of Charles. Cathal was a might warrior. - Chuchulainn (Koo-cullen) - The nickname name of the greatest hero of Irish mythology (his real name was Setana). Meaning hound of Culann. - Cian (Kee-an) - An old Irish name meaning ancient. - Ciaran (Keer-an) - After St. Ciaran. Also: Kieran. - Cillian (Killeean) - After an Irish missionary who was martyred. Also: Killian. - Colm - After St. Colmcille. Meaning dove. Also: Columba (Kolumba), Colum (Kolum). - Colman (Kol-man) - Irish form of Columbanus. Meaning dovelet. - Coman (Ko-man) - Meaning little wry one. - Comhghall (Koh-gal) - After St. Cole. Meaning co-pledge. - Conal (Konal) - - Conan (Koe-nan) - After St. Conan. Meaning small hound. Also: Conant. - Conn - After a legendary Irish monarch, Conn of the Hundred Battles. Meaning ‘high’. - Conor - An Irish name. Meaning desire or ‘hound lover’. Also: Connor. - Cormac (Kor-mac) - After St. Cormac. Meaning: charioteet. - Criomhthann (Kree-van) - An Irish name. Meaning fox. This is the baptismal name of St. Colmcille. - Crogher (Kro-her) - - Criostoir (Kreest-chor) - The Irish form of Christopher. Meaning christ-bearing. Also: Christy. - Cronan (Kro-nan) - After St. Cronan. Meaning little dark brown one. - Cumhai (koo-ie) - Anglisised as Quintin. Meaning hound of the plain. - Cumhea (Kovay) - An Irish name. Meaning hound of Meath. D - Daghda (Dag-da) - After an Irish deity. Meaning the good god. - Daithi (Da-hey) - One of the kings of Tara. Meaning speed agility. Also: Nathy, Daivi. - Dallan - After St. Dallan. Also: Dall. - Daman (Dayman) - The Irish form of Damien. Meaning to tame. - Daineal (Doh-nal) - The Irish form of Daniel. Meaning God is my judge. Also: Dainail - Dara - An old Irish name. Darragh is the Anglicised form. Meaning oak. - Darren - An Irish name meaning little great one. - De (Jay) - After St. De. - Deaglan (Dek-lan) - After St. Declan. Also: Declan. - Diarmuid (Djeermoodge) - After St. Diarmuid. Meaning free man or envy free. Also: Dermot (Der-mot), Dermod. - Dichu (Dee-shoo) - After St. Dichu, the first Irish convert to Christianity made by St. Patrick. Meaning great hound. - Doiminic (Dom-nik) - After St. Dominic de Guzman. Also: - Damhlaic (Dav-lik), Damhnaic (Dav-nik). - Donal (Doh-nal) - From the English Daniel or Donald. Meaning 'mighty'. Also: Domhnall (Doh-nal). - Donnahadh (Dun-agh-ha) - After the High King of Donagh, son of Brian Boru. Meaning brown warrior. - Dorchaidhe (Dor-k-ha-dj) - An Irish name. Anglicised to D’Orsay. - Dughall (Doo-gal) - A Gaelic name. Meaning dark foreigner. Also: Dougal. - Dughlas (Doo-glas) - A Gaelic name. Meaning black blue. Also: Douglas (Dug-las) - Dualtach (Dul-tack) - An Irish name Anglicised to Dudley. Meaning 'black-jointed’. - Dubhdara (Doov-dara) - An early Irish name. Meaning black man of the oak. E - Eamon (Aymon) - Irish form of Edmund. Meaning blessed protection. Also: Eamonn Aymon) - Earc (Erk) - An old Irish name. Meaning red or speckled. - Eachtar (eck-tar) - Irish form of Hector. - Earnan (Ear-nan) - Anglicised to Earnest. Meaning little-experienced one. - Eibhear (ee-v-har) - Eibhear was the son of the ledgendary leader, Milesius. Anglicised as Ivor. Meaning companion. - Eireamhon (Er-von) - An Irish name. A son of Milesius. - Elga (El-ga) - Another name for Ireland was Inis Elga – the Noble Isle. Meaning: 'noble'. - Emmet (Em-et) - The surname of the renowned Irish rebel, Robert Emmet and often used as a Christian name in Ireland. - Eochaidh (Ock-h-ay) - An old Irish name. - Eoghan (Owe-en) - An Irish form of John. Meaning well born. Also: Owen. - Eoin (Ee-an) - A derivative of John. F - Fachtna (Fak-na) - After an early Irish saint. - Feardorcha (Far-dor-a-ka) - Old Irish name. Anglicised as Frederick or Ferdinand. Meaning: - Fearghall (Fer-gal) - After St. Fergal. Meaning man of strength. - Fearghus (Fer-gus) - Of celtic origin. Meaning ‘super choice’ or man of vigour. Also: Fearghais, Fergus. - Fechin (Fee-k-hin) - After and Irish saint. Meaning little raven. Also: Feichin. - Felim (Fee-lim) - After a king of Connacht. Meaning little raven. Anglicised to Felix. Also: Feilim, Phelim. - Fiachra (Fee-kra) - After St. Fiachra. Meaning raven. - Finin (Fin-een) - Meaning fair offspring. - Finnian (Fin-ee-an) - After St. Finian. - Fionbharr (Fin-bar) - After St. Finbar. Meaning fair head. - Fionnlugh (Fin-lug) - After an early Irish saint. Meaning fair winning. - Fionn (Fin) - After the great hero of Irish mythology, Finn MacCool. Also: Finn, Fynn. - Flann - An early Irish name. Meaning blood-red. - Fursa (Fur-say) - After St. Fursey. G - Gael (Gayl) - The medieval hero after whom Ireland was named. - Gearoid (Garr-oij) - The Irish form of Garrett. Also: Gairiad (Gar-oij), Garreth, Gary. - Gearard (Ger-hard) - After St. Gerard Majella. Meaning spear hard. - Greagoir (Greg-or) - Irish form of Gregory. Meaning watchful one. - Gruagach (Grua-gah) - An Irish name. Meaning hairy one. I - Irial (Ir-e-al) - An old Irish name. - Iarghlaith (Eer-lath) - After St. Jarlath. Also: Jarlath. - Iona - (eye-ona) - Irish form of Johan. Meaning: 'dove'. - Iosog (Ee-sog) - Irish form of Issac. Meaning he may laugh. - Iustas (Ew-stace) - Irish form of Eustace. Meaning fruitful. K - Kellagh (Kella) - After St. Celsus. - Kerill (Kiril) - Irish form of Cyril. Meaning lordly. Also: Coireall (Kiril). - Kyras (Ki-ras) - An old Irish name. L - Labhras (Lav-ras) - After St. Lorcan. Irish form of Laurence. - Laoghaire (Lee-ra) - A king of Tara. Meaning calf-herder. - Leon(Lee-on) - Irish name meaning lion. - Liam (Lee-am) - The short form of Uilliam which is the Irish form of William. - Lochlainn (Lock-lin) - The name of a land in Irish legend. Meaning heroic. Also: Lochlin - Lorcan (Lorkan) - The Irish form of Lawrence. Meaning fierce. - Lucan (Loo-kan) - An Irish form of the Latin, Lucius. Meaning light. - Lucas (Loos) - After St. Luke. - Lugh (Loo-h) - The name of an early Irish hero. M - Macanisius (Mac-an-is-us) - After St. Macanisus, and early Irish bishop. - Mairtin (Mar-cheen) - After St. Martin. From Mars, the God of war. - Maitiu (Mat-tuw) - After one of the apolstles. Derived from Matthew. - Malachy (Mal-ak-ay) - After St. Malachy. Meaning my messenger. - Manus (Man-us) - Popular name in DONEGAL for many years. Meaning great. - Maolcholm (Mal-come) - Meaning servant of St. Columba. - Micheal (Mee-haal) - After St. Michael. Irish form of Michael. N - Niall (Ny-al) - Irish form of Neil. P - Padraig (Paudrig) - After St. Patrick. Irish form of Patrick. Also: Padraic, Padhraig, Paddy - Peadar (Padder) - The Irish form of Peter. Meaning rock R - Ronan (Row-nan) - From the Irish word ron , meaning ‘seal’ S - Seamus (Shay-mus) - After St. James. The Irish form of James. Also: Seamas, Seamy - Sean (Shawn) - After John the Baptist. Irish form of John. Also: Seon - Siseal (Ses-il) - After St. Cecil. Meaning little blind one. Also: Cecil T T- Tadgh (Tah-g) - Irish form of Timothy. Meaning poet - Tomas (Tom-ass) - Irish form of Thomas. Meaning twin |
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