RAMELTON ~ Population approximately 1,000 Rath Mealtain ~ Meaning: Mealtan’s Fort
Ramelton is a designated Heritage Town which sits on the banks of the river Lennon. Where the quay now is there was once a small island and on this island was the castle of the heir to the O'Donnell Clan Chieftaincy, Calvagh O'Donnell, who resided there prior to the Flight of the Earls from nearby Rathmullan.
In the 17th century, during the Plantation of Ulster, a Scotsman, Willaim Stewart, was given 1,000 acres there by the British Crown and he built the town that is now Ramelton.
In the 18th and 19th centuries Ramelton was the biggest linen bleaching town in County Donegal and the town prospered greatly from this trade. The flax for the linen was grown locally and then treated at the tanyardMany of the old plantation houses were knocked down and replaced by the Georgian style houses that remain today.
Boats from all over the world docked in Ramelton to trade their wares in return for the Irish linen. And later in the 19th century a steam boat would leave from there to go to Derry and on to the emigrant ships that left from Derry. Tickets could be bought at The old railway building which is still there down on the quay (see pics below). In the summertime passing small boats and yatchs come into Ramelton to dock for the people on them to spend a while in the town. FAMOUS PEOPLE BORN IN RAMELTON ~ GALLAGHER Dave (1873-1917) ~ Rugby player ~ LOGAN Conrad (b. 18th April 1986) ~ Goalkeeper ~ Makamei ~ Founder of the Presbyterian Church in America Click on any of the photos below to enlarge.